Empowering entrepreneurs through personalized, one-on-one strategy sessions.


90 minute session + followup doc

Have you ever sat down to create the next goal for your business, then suddenly felt your mind going blank, or feel a sense of major overwhelm and panic?

🖤 You are not alone.

In our session, we dive deep into your business aspirations and challenges. You can consider me your interim CMO/COO, working alongside you through the complexities of business operations, product development and marketing, AND… the most important… taking care of the most important piece of your business: YOU.

Every time we meet, you can expect a long-form document or email summarizing what we talked about, plus comprehensive homework to support you in taking the next steps.

Available in person or online.

how it’s helped.


We all know that content is Queen in this day-and-age. Where I step in is when you’re ready to take that next step in your process. Whether that means you use your phone and you’re ready to hire someone with a quality DSLR, or you’ve got the gear but it’s time to hand the vision over to someone else so you can focus on being the boss.

In a 1-hour vertical video session for TikTok/Reels/Shorts, you can either recieve up to 80 short clips to create your own social media content, or have me make specific videos for you. Please make a note on your check out that you’re interested in my editing for you and I’ll add that onto the booking.


With over a decade of experience in all aspects of digital marketing, I offer my 1:1 clients extra support with branding and website design. Use the button below to start a conversation.